Feelings of inferiority come when we compare ourselves with others. Because we aren’t like someone else or don’t have the same talents or gifts, we feel as though we don’t belong. Comparing ourselves with others is not wise (2 Cor. 10:12).
The lie of inferiority causes some to isolate because they don’t feel they measure up. Even though it’s a lie, the feeling may be very convincing. However, we were all created differently by God’s design.
God loves variety.
You can see it in all of creation, including humanity. The Church is made up of people from all walks of life, with different talents, skills and backgrounds. Paul used the analogy of a body to describe how we can be so different, yet work together in unity (1 Cor. 12:12).
There’s beauty in diversity. The fact that we’re all different is not a curse; it’s a blessing! If everyone was alike, there would be no body. If everyone was an eye, the body would just be one big eye that couldn’t hear. If we were all ears, the body would be one big ear that couldn’t see.
We need each other and all our differences.
Quit giving in to feeling inferior because you’re not like someone else. The reason you’re different is because God made you different. Celebrate that diversity.
Jesus loves all the members of His body, and so should we. And He loves every member equally. You may not like my little toe or see it as having much value, but I do. I want my little toes, and I wouldn’t trade either one of them for anything. You’re part of the body of Christ, and He loves you and values the place you hold.
Our value is not determined by our actions but by the price paid for us. By that measure, we are priceless. Jesus loves us for who we are.
Feelings of inferiority come to everyone. They are lies to get us to back away from the community of faith. Not everyone is a singer or a preacher because God didn’t create everyone with the same gifts and abilities.
We should follow God’s will for our lives. Our paths may be different, but His command to each of us is to follow Jesus.
There are many ways to serve, and they are just as meaningful to God as preaching a crusade on the mission field and winning the lost. If all the members had the same function, the body would only be able to do one thing. Variety allows the body to accomplish the complete will of Christ. Paul talked about this in Romans 12:
“…So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them….”
You may not be a preacher or a singer, but even if all you do is sit in a pew and listen to the Word in your local church, you’re doing something, and you are loved and valued by God. Think of what it would be like for those of us who preach if there was no one in the pews to hear it. We were made for each other!
You don’t have to be another Elijah or Moses to do something for God. The Bible was written to all people throughout history. All of us have the opportunity to serve God in our generation. What you do is not as important as how you do it (Col. 3:17).
And this works for anyone in the body of Christ.
Don’t compare what you do to what someone else does. There are things in life you had no control over and didn’t choose—your nationality or race, when you were born and who your family is.
Whatever your situation is, your life counts.
Everyone has different talents (See Matt. 25:14-30). The number of talents you have is not important; it’s what you do with them.
We can’t allow feelings of inferiority to limit us. We can give our lives to God and live for Him, no matter how little we think we have to offer. Think about the widow’s two mites (Mk. 12:41-44). Her gift looked insignificant to the people around her, but it was huge in the eyes of God because she gave all she had. It doesn’t matter what other people think about our lives or our value, we can give it all to God. No one can give more than that.
We can receive the rewards of obedience even in a prison in solitary confinement, spending 23 hours a day in a cell. We can all serve God within the boundaries of our lives. God doesn’t leave any member of the body out. We have life and the opportunity to give the time we have to God. It won’t matter in heaven whether we were princes or paupers, geniuses with several degrees or never learned to read. What will matter is “whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.”
In God’s kingdom, we will be rewarded for what we did with what we had.
Billy Graham was approached by a zealous believer, who told him that his reward was surely going to be great in heaven because of all the souls saved under his preaching. He replied, “My reward in heaven will not be any greater than the little old woman who vacuums the church.” He continued, “I preach to the lost because God told me to, and I’m obeying Him. If God told a little old lady to vacuum the church and she obeys, her reward will be just as great.”
God rewards our obedience—not our accomplishments, and obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22).
“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” (1 Corinthians 15:58 NLT)

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This post was timely. I just finished checking Facebook, looking at all the Easter postings from friends and family … and yes, I felt inferior at this moment in time. Thank you for helping me refocus.
Beautiful message. One that will speak to everyone when they’re ready to open the ears of their soul. Today, these are the words and message I needed to hear. God knew and here it is. So many things I want to say to explain the how and why this is so for me. What I’ve learned is how important it is to be mindful of my words and what I speak. Good knows my pain and heartache and my journey of heartache. He’s picked me up, carried me, head me close and dusted me off to begin anew. More times than I ever realized. I’m not a failure -none of us are even when we falter off encounter hurdles more times than we want to have happened. What matters is the peace He gives us and His unfailing love -together with our talents//gifts we are equal in His eyes.
Thank you for sharing and God bless,
Thank you and God bless
Thank You for this reminder Bro. Greg.
I had just been praying and comparing myself to others and feeling like I just don’t measure up and then I find this teaching in my email. So timely and I mean right on time! Thanks Bro. Greg for such a powerful and timely word. May the Lord continue to bless this ministry.