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Are You Eating Right?

Some have approached every failure in their walk with God as an indication they aren’t trying hard enough. They’re convinced more dedication and more consecration are the keys to success. They work hard to exert more effort.

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Grow Up!

The temptation to give in to negative emotions caused by life’s stressors can at times seem overwhelming. To live a happy and healthy life in today’s world, anger and fear must be confronted. The short-term solution is

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God Likes Faith

God likes faith and you should too! It is by faith we receive God’s greatest blessings. It is by faith that we receive things from Him we could never pay for or ever earn. God has used

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Carefree Living

If you’re thinking you would be happy if it weren’t for this problem or that problem, then worry is the problem! Jesus wants you to have peace and joy in the midst of the problems. “These things

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Choose Your Battles

You can live in stressful times without losing your mind! Jesus did, and so can you.   If you’re struggling and things have gotten you down, I have good news for you: You can get your joy and your song back and be

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