Transformation occurs as a Christian becomes on the outside what they are on the inside. This is a miraculous process in which the Word of God is the most essential ingredient. By allowing the Word of God to have its proper place, every Christian can experience this radical change. In this series you will learn how God’s Word is full of life and power and why it is the key ingredient to success in life. You will see why God’s Word is just as relevant today as it ever was. You’ll learn to develop an appetite for the Word that you may have never had before and receive helpful and practical advice on how to feed on the Word and to integrate it into your busy lifestyle. God’s Word will do for you what nothing else will do. Get in the Word and get the Word in you and let the transformation begin!
Format: Audio CD, MP3 download, or USB stick
The Right Appetite
The Secret To Success
Transformed into His Image
Our Daily Bread