Fulfilling The Call


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 Fulfilling The Call – Part 2

Includes 7 DVDs & 1 Resource CD

  • Introduction: Presenting Excellence
  • Setting Up An Office & Color Printing: Excellence On A Budget
  • Building Partnership: Product Table, Teaching Series, Sign-Up Strategy
  • Newsletter Creation: Maintaining A Mailing List & Money Matters
  • Staying Organized & Synchronized
  • Scheduling & Communicating With Pastors: Investing In The Future
  • Traveling Hints & Travel Expense: Church Culture & What’s Expected
  • Resource CD

This is a “How To” video series for anyone who plans to be involved in a traveling ministry, whether the calling is that of an evangelist, missionary, itinerant teacher, music minister or other, you will benefit from these sessions.

Every area is presented with the beginner in mind. You’ll be shown how to set up your finances, how to choose your office and organize and run a small ministry with excellence as inexpensively as possible.

You’ll learn how to create a quality teaching series: including the cover, how to purchase albums and how and why to set up a product table.

Greg will give tips on working with Pastors and getting into new churches.

Actual samples of documents, forms, CD covers, letters, stationery, posters, etc. are shown in the presentation and are included in the resource CD as well as phone numbers for printers, lawyers, accountants, product duplication and much more.

Greg has included examples of things done every day in a traveling ministry and explains how and why they’re done. These sessions will give anyone who’s interested in launching or improving a traveling ministry, methods that can be implemented immediately with little or no cost.

No matter how small a ministry is, having it organized and well-managed can save time, money and costly mistakes.

(Item 430)

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